The responsive website for a company that orders and delivers cars from China (electric, hybrids, gasoline and diesel).
concept, research, design, management
Figma, PS, AI
4 months

A modern family man who leads an active and healthy lifestyle has difficulty choosing eco-friendly cars for business and family. Many people in Belarus have stereotypes and biases about the quality and reliability of Chinese cars. The consumer is poorly aware of the maintenance and specifics of electric and hybrid vehicles.
To dispel myths about the unreliability of Chinese cars, increase consumer knowledge about eco-friendly transport and create a positive image of a modern technology company for the customer.
People want to drive electric vehicles, but they are mostly afraid to abandon internal combustion engines. People know about China's tremendous progress, but they don't see its results in reality. During the research on the project, I conducted several surveys to find out the key risks when buying a Chinese electric car.
What stops a consumer from buying an electro Chinese car?
On average, out of the total number of respondents.
47% consider Chinese cars unreliable.
23% are afraid of problems finding spare parts.
30% can't afford recharging electric cars constantly.
Key pain points
Chinese cars are mostly of poor quality and unreliable.
No ability to charge electric cars constantly.
Having bought a Chinese car, I'll face problems finding spare parts.
Psychologically difficulty to change internal combustion engines to electric ones.

Master's degree
Minsk, Belarus
Married, 4 kids
Typical User Persona: Leonid
«I stand for a healthy lifestyle in everything!»
Leonid is from the metropolis, but prefers living outside the city. He has a large family, that resides in their own house. Leonid supports eco-friendly modes of transport, his business is related to the protection of natural resources. Leonid does yoga and conducts master classes on healthy eating.
- To protect nature.
- To maintain a healthy lifestyle.
- To travel comfortably with his family.
- People pollute the environment.
- The lack of eco-friendly cars in Belarus suitable for a large family
I have been interested in the topic of cars for more than 10 years, so there were a lot of thoughts and creative ideas. Therefore, the stage of wireframing was extremely important for choosing the most effective solutions.
paper and digital wireframes in total

Page types developed
The car pages and pages with information about delivery and customs were particularly detailed.
car items pages (32%)
delivery & customs (58%)
other information (10%)

I had a situation in which the audience was initially skeptical of the subject, so I was especially scrupulous and careful to work out all possible ways for the user to move around the website to find and implement the most effective and deliberated options. Dozens of prototypes (static and clickable) have been developed.

Throughout the project, I constantly tested many hypotheses: wireframes, prototypes and ready-made mockups. All this helped me to weed out unnecessary options, leaving only the most needed content and functionality for the user.
Usability study: findings
These are the key results of the usability study.
Promo ads must include two default prices (regular and promo) to let users to compare and figure out what the profit is.
Bright green color is associated with environmental friendliness for many people.
While navigating through the car items page, brand awareness increases by 30-40% at the sight of the corporate logo.
For each type of buyer, it's advisable to create different groups of car characteristics for relevant content filtering.
After all aspects of the user experience have been worked out, it's the turn of an equally important part — the design. I tried to create a stylish modern visual in a calm and restrained color scheme with direct accents on the images of cars and their advantages.

The main page (fragment 1).

The main page (fragment 2).

The cars catalog page (search and filters).

The car page (main photo block).

The car page (characteristics and equipment specifications).

The company page (fragment).

The customer's case page.

How we work page (including the filters window).

Active states (hovers, dropdown menus, etc.).

Responsible mockups (tablet and smartphone versions).
I have quite a lot of experience working with auto topics, I have been blogging on car tuning and test drives for more than 10 years. I have a Bachelor's degree in marketing. And finally, I have many years of practice in UX/UI design. This spectacular combo allowed me to immerse myself as much as possible in the needs of the users and create a trending digital product for the Belarusian market.
a Quote from user feedback
Oh my God, what a beauty! The competitors are straining!